Prohibited Items
o Weapons, including but not limited to: firearms, knives, combat weapons (e.g. air and gas operated, swords, nunchakus, kamas, sai), explosives, heavy chains (excluding wallet chains and purse straps less than one (1) inch in diameter and two (2) feet in length), brass knuckles (excluding carabiners), clubs/bats/sticks, pepper spray, aerosol sprays, nitrous oxide, ammunition and training simunition rounds, explosives and explosive components, fireworks, CBR (chemical-biological-radiological) substances, projectiles of any kind and any replica of same items that could be mistakenly identified as weapons under this policy, or any weapon as defined in UK law.
o Illegal drugs and substances, including unmarked liquid or pill medication bottles and nitrous oxide. Legally prescribed medications may be permitted if in a prescription bottle/container with a pharmacy-generated label containing the individual’s name – subject to verification via valid identification. Any other medications are considered on a case-by-case basis on site.
o Bags and containers larger than 29cm x 21cm x 15cm (A4 size).
o Alcohol, cans, bottles, including any glass objects or vessels or metal cans and objects.
o Food or drink (unless required due to a pre-existing condition which is supported with medical evidence).
o Liquids, gels and perfumes of more than 100ml.
o Laser pens or pointers.
o Professional cameras, including professional camera equipment (e.g., camera stand, lenses, and selfie sticks).
o Fireworks, fire-starters, and open flames.
o Laptops, tablets, audio recording equipment, noise-making devices or card reading devices.
o Skateboards and rollerblades, hover-boards, scooters, bicycles, and other personal motorized and non-motorised vehicles.
o Non-service animals/animals not used by those with a disability.
o Unauthorised solicitation, flags or marketing materials (e.g., posters, flyers, stickers).
o All unapproved unmanned aerial systems (UAS) or drones unless expressly authorised in accordance with LNE’s Unmanned Aircraft Systems Policy.
o Chairs or stools.
o Helmets.
o Large umbrellas.
o Pushchairs.
o Spray cans, markers and graffiti pens.
o Any item deemed to be dangerous by the General Manager (the designated responsible person for the overall general event operations and implementing this policy) or local Police or Licensing Officer.
o Prohibited items - all items are subject to change without notice by venue management.