Viagra Boys

Viagra Boys


Viagra Boys are a band that weaponizes absurdity—tossing firecrackers into the middle of the room and standing around to see the reaction.

Led by frontman Sebastian Murphy, whose voice is a compelling blend of impish smirk and smoker's rasp, the band is known for its seething satire and darkly comic edge, encapsulating a unique blend of grit and sleaze.

Murphy's lyrics often reflect on the absurdity and backwardness of the modern world, though he avoids prescribing beliefs or taking sides. Therefore, the band's music is marked by a playful yet incisive critique of societal follies and contradictions, set to heavy weight, explosive production.

Viagra Boys have garnered significant success and acclaim, performing sold-out shows worldwide, including prestigious gigs at Coachella and Jimmy Kimmel. The band has received high ratings from Pitchfork, NME and Kerrang!, and notable recognitions, including album of the year from The Needle Drop. Their impact extends to the Swedish music scene, where they've won awards such as Album of the Year and Best Live Act at the Swedish Grammis & P3 Guld Awards, highlighting their widespread appeal and influence.

Viagra Boys - Man Made of Meat (Official Video)

Viagra Boys - Man Made of Meat (Official Video)


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