

  • Dydd Sadwrn Drysau


Mae Architects yn dod i Utilita Arena Cardiff ar 11 Hydref 2025 gyda Gwesteion Arbennig Wage War a House of Protection.

Fresh off the incredible release week of their new album The Sky, The Earth and All Between, Architects have announced an extensive UK & EU arena headline tour for October, with support from Wage War and House of Protection.

Following a record-breaking album launch, The Sky, The Earth and All Between debuted at #2 in the UK album charts, becoming the band's biggest-selling album to date. It also secured a #3 spot on the German album charts, with more high-chart placements continuing to roll in worldwide. Since its release last week, the album has amassed over 25 million streams, shattering the band's previous records and contributing to a staggering 58 million monthly streams.

Before their October tour, the band will celebrate the album’s release with a run of spring headline shows across France, Switzerland, Spain, and Portugal. This summer, they’ll join Linkin Park for select European dates on their highly anticipated world tour.

Architects - "Brain Dead (feat. House of Protection)"

Architects - "Brain Dead (feat. House of Protection)"


I archebu uwchraddiad ar gyfer y digwyddiad hwn, ychwanegwch at eich basged wrth brynu'ch tocyn sioe, neu ffoniwch 029 2022 4488.

I gael rhagor o wybodaeth am uwchraddio tocynnau, cliciwch YMA

Os oes gennych chi'ch tocyn sioe yn barod, cliciwch ar y dolenni isod:

Bwyty L2

Mwynhewch wasanaeth bwrdd, cwrs cychwynnol a phrif gwrs o fwydlen dymhorol flasus. Mae angen tocyn prif sioe hefyd.

Uwchraddiad Bar Cyn y Sioe (gan gynnwys naid y brif giw)

Uwchraddiwch eich tocyn prif sioe i gael mynediad unigryw i'n bar Exit 7, gyda gostyngiadau ar ddiodydd cyn y sioe.

Ffoniwch ein swyddfa docynnau 029 2022 4488.
